Why Central Air Conditioning Is A Good Investment
Posted on:
30 January 2015
If you own a home without central air conditioning, you likely debate at least once or twice a year whether or not you should install such a system, probably in July or August. While room air conditioners can be more cost-effective, at least in the short run, there are many good reasons to make the switch to central air.
Advantages of a central air system over room air conditioners
1. More even temperature.
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Setting Up Decorative Lights In Your Yard
Posted on:
27 January 2015
Once you start a landscaping project, you realize how much more than simple gardening it can be. Once you get your plants, trees and lawn looking perfect it's time to start thinking about other additions, like walls, stone accents and lights. Lights are a unique addition to your yard, and you have plenty of options to play with. Before adding lights to your yard, you need to decide what kind of look you're going for and what types of lights can help you accomplish it.
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Accent Lighting 101: 3 Key Steps To Adding Accent Lighting To Your Home's Decor
Posted on:
21 January 2015
When it comes to dramatic home decor, accent lighting makes all the difference. Sure, you can hang a stunning picture on the wall, but it won't do any good if people can't see it. Shadows and natural focal points often compete for attention with your treasured pieces, making them all but fade away into the background. If you want certain aspects of your decor to stand out and become the focal point of your room, you have to accentuate them with accent lighting.
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Natural Ways Of Dealing With Pet Problems Inside Your Home
Posted on:
16 January 2015
While most pet owners adore their dog or cat it's tough to ignore the additional chores they require of you, and the challenges they present. However, there are some easy ways to overcome many of these without having to use expensive, and potentially harmful chemicals. Many all natural home remedies exist, and there's a good chance many of them are already in your kitchen, laundry room or under your sink.
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